Class Pyramid in the Digital Society

Ozan Demir


In the digital age, the reality that states or governments are the strongest is slowly changing. AI algorithms can now reach more people and lands than the greatest empires history has ever seen. It has the power to direct the people and the masses to a level that no dictator could ever imagine. Governments, politicians and states are increasingly connecting to these platforms to gain or remain in power. The decisions, news or interviews that direct the world are first published on these platforms. Artificial intelligence learns every data entered, regardless of its status, and uses it unlimitedly to generate advertising revenue. There is no difference between individuals, companies and lawmakers for AI, they are all users and they make no sense beyond.

Digital Hierarchy Pyramid

It is inevitable that there will be some changes in the current order where the upper, middle or lower class is the user and generates data for AI platforms. Compared to the old administration pyramid; The development of new commercial methods, the change of form and content of the relationships carried out in the current order, and the digitalization of the economy from human to artificial intelligence were the main issues that rearranged the classes. As a result of these developments, Elon Musk can now cause a drastic change in the stock market with a post, and can make more effective statements than the US president. The richest people in the world are not shipowners with a fleet of ships or industrialists with dozens of factories, but technology companies with artificial intelligence that transform the data of all of them into commercial commodities. Social media, search engines, e-commerce giants have already begun to form the upper class. States or governments are on the verge of falling into the middle class and not being able to protect users with their slowness in legislation. Users, on the other hand, provide the development of this new system by generating data and form a subclass since they have no rights.

To make the change more understandable, a new management pyramid was created by the Society 5.1 team. It is certain that the change created by AI platforms will bring new discussions with it. We already have dozens of worrying concerns such as unemployment, income injustice, loss of rights, climate crises, manipulation, racism, freedom, democracy and equality. The protection or use of personal data, the contracts users are forced to accept, and the uncertainty of the robot age continue to increase our concerns.

We are closing this article with the hope that our pyramid of governance will be instrumental in eliminating the anxieties of humanity and reducing the problems it is experiencing. We are at the beginning of the road to build an ethical, transparent and safe technology world.

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